Sunday, June 05, 2005

Application for traineeship: sent!

Today I finally mustered up the courage to send my application to Himanshu. Himanshu is my traineeship manager in Jaipur. He tells me that I have a "very bright" chance of being accepted by Pratham (the company for which I want to work), especially now that I have extended my availability from 11 to almost 13 weeks. 13 weeks ... yes, that's quite a long time. I made a travel insurance enquiry several days ago, and they gave me a quote for the "ninety-one" days that I had requested. I think that just about brought it home!

So, now I sit back and wait for Himanshu to respond. He has to show my entire application to Pratham, who will then make the final decision. If they say yes, I have to drop everything and start making arrangements: flights are getting more expensive by the hour, the time left to have jabs is running out, and I am still yet to book insurance. I do, however, have a suitcase now. A very beautiful suitcase, in fact, so I must definitely find somewhere to go with it now. And as if all of this wasn't hectic enough, Prelims (Oxford's first year exams) start in two weeks tomorrow. Enough said.


At 3:21 am, Blogger DL said...

Hi Sam!
What a great idea to log your trip planning and details...oh, the power of the web.
It all sounds very cool...and 13 weeks as well! I hope that all your plans work out!

At 5:41 am, Blogger ThePants999 said...

Ahhh! A blog! On the one hand... yeah, I suppose it's a good idea. On the other hand... Ahhh! A blog! /me runs


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