Sunday, June 05, 2005


(Fingers crossed) I'm going to India this summer, and I thought that keeping an online blog would be a great way to keep in touch with everybody back home (and of course, a wonderful means for procrastination).

I'll start by giving a few details about myself. My name is Samantha (Sam), and I'm at the end of my first year at the University of Oxford. I study Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Wadham College. I'm going to India with AIESEC, which is (drumroll please) the world's largest, not for profit student organisation. Our work involves the placement of international graduates on what we call traineeships. Students with a local committee at their university can either work for AIESEC (what I do) or go abroad with them (what I ... am also now doing). In my opinion, AIESEC is the best form of professional and personal development that you can get whilst studying. I consider myself to be a very different person now, 8 months after first joining.

To avoid deviating from the title of "Introduction", I shall finish this message here. Feel free to post me lots and lots of comments.


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